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Catch up with Senior Drew Cabaniss’s research on the process of urbanization and city structure at The Blog of the Office of Undergraduate Research. There, Cabaniss shares how his intellectual curiosity in cities took him from Santa Fe, NM, to the island of Crete in Greece. At both archaeological sites, Cabaniss developed practical research skills. Digging with Donald Haggis at the Azoria Project, Cabaniss quickly advanced from being a trench supervisor to being a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Specialist by summer 2014. In this role, he began to construct a geodatabase that contextualizes found objects in the clan-based urban settlement. To capstone his travels and work at Azoria, Cabaniss is constructing an senior Honors thesis on the past and future implications of ancient Cretan urbanism under the direction of Prof. Haggis. To read more about how Cabaniss’s journey from Santa Fe to Crete influenced his research in Chapel Hill, click here.

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