Suzanne Lye has received a Loeb Classical Library Foundation Fellowship for 2021-22 to support a leave to work on the monograph, To Starve and To Curse: Women’s Anger in Ancient Greek Literature and Magic, an exploration of ways in which women expressed anger and agency in subverting androcentric and dominant sociopolitical structures in the ancient Greek world. “The work examines canonical and non-canonical texts from a variety of sources, both literary and archaeological, to show how ancient authors and audiences used stories of anger and similarly strong emotion expressed by female figures to define and constrain the lives of women through specific narrative templates. Literary depictions detail specific magical technologies and rhetorical strategies that angry women employed, while the archaeological evidence demonstrates their actual use. By bringing literary sources into dialogue with historical and material evidence to examine women’s anger, her book will provide insights into how ancient societies engaged with their most vulnerable, disenfranchised, and marginalized members.”
Professor Suzanne Lye awarded Loeb Classical Library Foundation Fellowship for work on To Starve and To Curse: Women’s Anger in Ancient Greek Literature and Magic
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