As part of the Department of Classics Visiting Lecture Series, Professor Justin Leidwanger (Stanford University) will present on his research on connectivity in the ancient Mediterranean. In Dr. Leidwanger’s words:
“Contemporary scholarship on the ancient Mediterranean world routinely invokes seaborne connectivity as a determinative cultural factor, a persistent force for integration. Yet such views have tended to flatten, universalize, and abstract the contours of interaction that can help us understand human experience of mobilities as well as their agency and historical contingency. The exploration of a late Roman shipwreck off the coast of Sicily at Marzamemi offers the opportunity to examine such everyday human histories and entangled movements in the past, and to embed these and other long-term mobilities into a broader, more diverse, and inclusive dialog on maritime heritage.”
The lecture is free and open to the public and will be held Wednesday, 12 October, starting at 5:00pm in Murphey Hall, Room 104, on the UNC Chapel Hill campus.
Inquiries may be directed to the Classics Department Administrative Assistant, Elissa Phillips, at classicsDASHadminATuncDOTedu.