Philip A. Stadter
Professor Emeritus of Classics
Philip A. Stadter November 29, 1936 – February 11, 2021 In Memoriam
Prof. Stadter (A.B. Princeton 1958, Ph.D. Harvard 1962) served in the UNC Classics department from 1962 to 2003, ending his career as Eugene H. Falk Professor in the Humanities and Professor of Classics and of Comparative Literature. He served as department chair (1976-86), as Director of the Lilly Teaching Fellow Program, UNC-CH, 1990-1993, and as a member of the Board of Governors, The University of North Carolina Press, 1989- 2003. He served the classics profession as Director of the American Philological Association 1977-80, President, International Plutarch Society, 1991-93, 1999-2001, member of Société internationale de bibliographique classique, 2000-2015, Editor for Roman Studies, Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies, 1969-1978 and Editor, American Journal of Philology, 1996-2000; Honorary Editor, 2000-. He has been Prof. Emeritus since 2003, and received an honorary doctorate from the Università del Sacro Cuore of Milan, Italy in 2008.
He has been helped in his studies by a number of fellowships: Woodrow Wilson Fellowship, 1958-59; Fulbright Fellowship, 1960-61 (Rome, Italy); Guggenheim Fellowship, 1967-68 (Florence, Italy); NEH Senior Fellow, 1974-75 (Cambridge, Mass.); ACLS Fellowship, 1982-83 (Oxford, England); National Humanities Center Fellow, 1989-90; Faculty Fellow, Institute for the Arts and Humanities, UNC, 1996; Fowler Hamilton Visiting Fellow, Christ Church (Oxford), April-June 2013.
Currently Professor Stadter’s research concerns Plutarch’s Parallel Lives and classical Greek historiography. Recent publications include Plutarch and his Roman Readers. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2014; “‘The love of noble deeds’: Plutarch’s portrait of Aratus of Sicyon,” in Rhiannon Ash, J. Mossman, and Frances B. Titchener, eds., Fame and Infamy. Essays for Christopher Pelling on Characterization in Greek and Roman Biography and Historiography, Oxford 2015, 161-75; “Barbarian Comparisons,” Ploutarchos n.s. 12 (2015) 65-82; “Sulla’s three-thousand νοῦμμοι apartment: Plutarch’s problematic code-switching,” in A Versatile Gentleman: Consistency in Plutarch’s Writing, G. Roskam, J. Opsomer, F. Titchener (eds.), Leuven 2016, 197-209; “Characterization of Individuals in Thucydides’ History,” in R. Balot, S. Forsdyke, and E. Foster (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Thucydides (New York, Oxford University Press, 2017) 283-99.
E-mail: stadterATuncDOTedu