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A number of our faculty and graduate students participated in this year’s Classical Association of the Middle West and South’s annual meeting in Boulder, CO. Below are their names and those of their papers or sessions. 

Graduate Students

Alexandra Daly: Menander’s Good Citizen Girls

Patrick Dombrowski: The Barker at the Threshold: Hecate at the End of Vergil’s Eighth Eclogue

Andrew C. Ficklin: Palladas and the Prima Porta Cupid

Robyn Le Blanc: “Doves at the Crossroads”: The Sacred Identity of Roman Ascalon

Brian D. McPhee: Losing Battles, Winning Glory: Casualty Data and the Tides of War in the Iliad

Michael K. Penich: Relationship, Role and Genre in Theocritus’ Idyll 13

Katherine De Boer Simons: Death, Dismemberment, and the Female Body in Ovid’s Metamorphoses

Ben Slagowski: Menander and War Trauma


Sharon L. James: Son and Daughters, Love and Marriage: On the Plots and Priorities of Roman Comedy

Jams J. O’Hara presided over the session on Petronius and Apuleius