Building your online reputation
What is an online reputation and why is it important?
Introduction to Social Media & Online Presence
Here is a quick slideshow about everything you need to know about establishing your online presence and scholarly communications.
A Beginner’s Guide to Establishing a Professional Online Presence
For Inside Higher Ed‘s Gradhacker, Lesley McCollum, a graduate student at University of Alabama at Birmingham, breaks down how her fellow graduate students can use social media to establish their professional online presence. In addition to the usual suspects, LinkedIn and, she discusses Mendeley and personal websites and blogs. Finally, she totes the value of Twitter. As Google is now indexing tweets, perspective employers can easily find your Tweets just by searching for your name, so it is increasingly important to mind the happenings in your “Twitterverse” and beyond.
What is Academic Branding and Portfolio Control?
David Parry from the University of Texas at Dallas blogs about the importance of maintaining and controlling an online space, including using Interfolio, for professional self-promotion and relevancy. See also George David Clark’s piece for The Chronicle of Higher Education.
Should Graduate Students Create E-Portfolios?
An A.B.D. doctoral student weighs in on the importance of beginning an e-portfolio while in graduate school so that you can take control of your online image and give yourself the extra inch with faculty search committees.
Your Unofficial Job-Application Checklist
David D. Perlmutter explains the positive and negative impact your online profile may have on a search committee, and provides practical tips to improve and monitor it.
How Blogging Helped Me Write My Dissertation
One graduate student concedes how blogging while writing his dissertation bettered his writing, focused his thoughts, and provided key networking opportunities.
How to build a positive image
Start with the Department Website
You do not need any skills to contribute to your personal webpage on the department’s website. Simply email the registrar at classics-webATuncDOTedu with a short informational blurb about yourself and your curriculum vitae.
Not a Techie?
If technology is not your forte, The Chronicle of Higher Education has a forum dedicated to answering all of your questions.
Need a Project or Tips?
DHCommons is an online hub for digital humanities projects. Here, you can join or invite fellow scholars in projects and find funding and training information.
Why caution is key
To Blog or Not to Blog?
Historian William Cronon famously rocked the political boat on his blog, “Scholar as a Citizen,” which lead to some Wisconsin Republicans demanding and gaining partial access to his university email account. Cronon defended his right to academic freedom, but his blog now stands as a frozen memorial to his defense.
How Not to Salvage Your Reputation Online
Read how one former scandal-embroiled Duke University faculty member, or someone using his name, attempted to salvage his reputation online, and why others in his field value their online images.