Graduate Research 1990
Student Name | Title (M.A. or dissertation) | Year Defended | Committee |
Carson, Lisa D. Jacobs | Song in Vergil's Eclogues (diss.) | 1990 | Mack, Reckford, Brown |
Falcon, Mark | Apparent Violations of Hermann's Bridge in Homer (MA) | 1990 | |
Washington, Carol Elizabeth | Herodotus' Double Standard (MA) | 1990 | Talbert, Stadter, West |
Hadavas, Constantine Triantafilos | A Literary Analysis of Prayer in the Iliad (MA) | 1990 | Smith, Bolter, Reckford |
Felton, Debbie | A Survey and Analysis of Metamorphosis to Stone (MA) | 1990 | Smith, Reckford, Mack |
McDonough, Christopher Michael | Hercules of the Ara Maxima: A Study in Roman Religion and Cult (MA) | 1990 | Linderski, Brown, Koeppel |
Johnson, David M. | Hesiod's Cosmology (MA) | 1990 | Brown, Stadter, Bolter |
Donahue, John F. | The Corpus Pistorum and Panis Popularis: Bakers and Bread in the Later Roman Empire (MA) | 1990 | Talbert, Houston, Linderski |
Student Name | Title (M.A. or dissertation) | Year Defended | Committee |
Nicholson, John H. | Cicero's Actio gratiarum: The Orations Post reditum in senatu and Ad Quirites (diss.) | 1991 | Linderski, Kennedy, Wooten |
Merrill, Patricia Louise Foley | Deception and Perception in the Sixth Satire of Persius (diss.) | 1991 | Kennedy, Wooten, Mack, Bolter, Stadter |
Musgrove, Margaret Worsham | Narrative Experimentation in Ovid's Metamorphoses, Books 12-14 (diss.) | 1991 | Mack, Reckford, Wooten, Houston, Bolter |
Frauenfelder, David William | The Spartan Dioscuri: Their Origins and Development in the Hellenic World (diss.) | 1991 | Brown, DeGrummond, N.T., West |
Smith, Rebekah M. | The Tradition of the Lives of the Ten Orators in Plutarch and Photius (diss.) | 1991 | Stadter, Kennedy, Wooten, West, Ganz |
MacInnes, Deborah | Percussus amore: The Role of the vates in Vergil's Georgics (MA) | 1991 | |
McClesky, Sarah Elizabeth | The Prostyle Plan in Greek Architecture: The Eighth Through the Fifth Centuries BC (MA) | 1991 | Sams, Sturgeon, Koeppel |
McDaniel, M. Joann | quin ipsa manubria cultellorum ossea: The Catalogue of Worked Bone from the University of Georgia's Excavation of the Circus at Carthage, Seasons 1985-90 (MA) | 1991 | Koeppel, Norman, Houston |
Starks, John H. | Authorial Structure and Purpose in Appian's Libyke (MA) | 1991 | Stadter, Linderski, Talbert |
Spencer, Richard Albert | The Terminology and Typology of the Supplications in the Iliad (MA) | 1991 | Smith, Brown, West |
Student Name | Title (M.A. or dissertation) | Year Defended | Committee |
Thurmond, David L. | Felicitas: Public Rites of Human Fecundity in Ancient Rome (diss.) | 1992 | Linderski, Houston, Brown, Wooten, West |
Wharton, David B. | Ambiguity in the Aeneid (diss.) | 1992 | |
Thomas, Patrick Michael | LH IIIB:1 Pottery from Tsoungiza and Zygouries (diss.) | 1992 | Sams, Immerwahr, S.A., Sturgeon, Koeppel, West |
Calamia, Beth Lauren | Klutotékhnes Hephaistos: The Cult of Hephaestus in Athens (MA) | 1992 | |
Bernardo, Yvonne L. | Et careant loliis occulos vitiantibus agri (MA) | 1992 | Linderski, West, Houston |
Student Name | Title (M.A. or dissertation) | Year Defended | Committee |
Walker, Andrew David | Studies in Spectatorship and Desire in Classical Literature (diss.) | 1993 | Kennedy, Stadter, Mack |
Teske, Michael A. | An Analysis and Description of a 15th-century Italian Manuscript (MA) | 1993 | Ganz, Linderski, West |
Wood, David | Lucius' Educational Adventure: A Structural Analysis of Apuleius' Metamorphoses (MA) | 1993 | Wooten, Mack, Houston |
Wildfang, Robin Stacey Lorsch | Omina Imperii: The Omens of Power Received by the Roman Emperors from Augustus to Domitian, their Religious Interpretation and Political Influence (diss.) | 1993 | Linderski, Houston, Smith |
Moore, Alice Ann | Mind Over Matter: Battles and Generals in the Anabasis (MA) | 1993 | Stadter, McCoy, Smith |
Zabin, Serena R. | Power and Poetics on Mt. Helicon (MA) | 1993 | Mack, Houston, Kennedy |
Panciera, Matthew D. | The Tribunes of the Plebs in Livy's First Decade (MA) | 1993 | Reckford, Houston, Linderski, Wooten, Koeppel |
Clark, Jonathan Kenneth | The Alexander-Quire in UNC-CH Ms 515 (MA) | 1993 | Gantz, Pfaff, Stadter |
Student Name | Title (M.A. or dissertation) | Year Defended | Committee |
Seavey, William D. | Ius Belli: Roman Ideology and the Rights of War (diss.) | 1994 | Linderski, Stadter, Kennedy, Houston, Talbert |
Driscoll, David J. | Irony in Herodotus' Account of the Persian Wars, Books 7-9 of the Histories (diss.) | 1994 | Stadter, Kennedy, Wooten, Linderski, Reckford |
Brunelle, Christopher Michael | Herodotus' Foreign Glossary (MA) | 1994 | Stadter, Smith, Brown |
Reynolds, Nancy Elizabeth | Narrative Metamorphoses of Rape in Ovid (MA) | 1994 | Mack, Reckford, Houston |
Alley, Elizabeth Alison | Pompeiian Garden Paintings (MA) | 1994 | Sturgeon, Immerwahr, S.A., Soles, M.E. |
Goldman, Andrew Lee | The Pre-Sullan Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus in Rome (MA) | 1994 | Sams, Koeppel, Haggis, Voigt, Talbert |
Mueller, Hans-Friedrich Otto | Exempla Tuenda: Religion, Virtue, and Politics in Valerius Maximus (diss.) | 1994 | Linderski, Stadter, Koeppel, Houston, Smith |
Cosgriff, Laurie Stuart | The Ethopoiia of Plato's Republic (diss.) | 1994 | Brown, Mack, Reckford, Clay, Kennedy, Stadter |
Withers, Robert Eugene | Tacitus' Characterization of Antonius Primus in Histories III (MA) | 1994 | Houston, West, Ganz |
Cayless, Hugh Anthony | Liber adest: Bacchus in Ovid's Metamorphoses (MA) | 1994 | Mack, Wooten, Houston |
Roberts, Anne Loomis | Sokrates and Other Ghosts of the Phrontisterion (MA) | 1994 | Reckford, Smith, Brown |
Whitney, Deborah Lynn | The Pergamene Style of Doric Temple Architecture: A Study of the Doric Temples at Pergamon, Mamurt Kale, and Aigai (MA) | 1994 | Sams, Koeppel, Connor |
Student Name | Title (M.A. or dissertation) | Year Defended | Committee |
Felton, Debbie | The Ghost Story in Classical Antiquity (diss.) | 1995 | Reckford, Houston, Linderski, Mack, Wooten |
Hadavas, Constantine Triantafilos | The Structure, Form, and Meaning of Plutarch's Life of Solon (diss.) | 1995 | Stadter, Mack, Brown, Reckford, Talbert |
Gerdes, Mary Womble Barringer | Women in Performance in Plautus (diss.) | 1995 | Reckford, Stadter, Linderski, Mack, Wooten |
Ipock, Ronald S. | Caesorum mortes in vitis Caesarum: Death Scenes of the Julio-Claudian Rulers in Suetonius' De Vita Caesarum (MA) | 1995 | Houston, Stadter, Linderski |
Stockhausen, J. Matthew | Alcibiades and Tyranny in Thucydides (MA) | 1995 | Stadter, Smith, West |
Letts, David E. | Studies in Honorific Decrees from the Garrison Demes of Attica (MA) | 1995 | West, Stadter, Houston |
Lund, Brian Zachary | Women and Inheritance in Pliny's Epistulae (MA) | 1995 | Linderski, Talbert, Houston |
Thigpen, Jane MacRae Bailey | A Literary Analysis of Latin Epitaphs from Roman Spain Which Contain Creative Biographical Discourse (diss.) | 1995 | Houston, Linderski, Wooten, West, Reckford |
Roudenbush, Jeffrey A. | Servilla and Roman Politics Through 44 BC (MA) | 1995 | Linderski, Houston, West |
McDaniel, M. Joann | Augustus, the Vestals, and the signum imperii (diss.) | 1995 | Koeppel, Linderski, Mack |
Heil, Edward J. | Mutatas Dicere Formas: A Cognitive Semantics Approach to Change and Storytelling in Ovid's Metamorphoses (MA) | 1995 | Mack, Reckford, Weiss |
Fiscelli, Kathryn A. | An Examination of the Main Problems Concerning Iliad 6.119-234 (MA) | 1995 | Smith, Brown, Stadter |
Jones, Amy Susan | The Animation of Non-Living Substances in Ovid's Metamorphoses (MA) | 1995 | Mack, Reckford, Houston |
Student Name | Title (M.A. or dissertation) | Year Defended | Committee |
Spencer, Richard Albert | Contrast in Ovid's Metamorphoses (diss.) | 1996 | Mack, Wooten, Reckford, Houston, Smith |
Glendinning, Matthew R. | Phrygian Architectural Terracottas at Gordion (diss.) | 1996 | Sams, Koeppel |
McDonnell, Kathryn J. | Place Personifications and Room H of the Villa of Publius Fannius Synistor (MA) | 1996 | Koeppel, Sturgeon, Talbert |
Clapp, Douglas C. | Unattributed Speech Reports in Annales 2.53-3.19 (MA) | 1996 | Houston, Stadter, Wooten |
Johnson, David M. | A Commentary on Plato's Greater Alcibiades (diss.) | 1996 | Smith, Long, Brown, Stadter, West |
McDonough, Christopher Michael | Liminal Animals in Roman Religion and Folklore (diss.) | 1996 | Linderski, Houston, Reckford, Brown, Koeppel |
Donahue, John F. | Epula Publica: The Roman Community at Table During the Principate (diss.) | 1996 | Talbert, Houston, Linderski, Brown, West |
Frane, Julia E. | The Tell Leilan Period I Habur Ware Assemblage (diss.) | 1996 | Gates, M.-H., Sams, Sasson, Koeppel, Smith |
Cheshire, Keyne Ashley | Structure and Meaning in Callimachus' Hymn to Zeus (MA) | 1996 | Race, Brown, Smith, Reckford, Mack |
Hopkins, Michelle Lynne | The Use of Obstruction in meetings of the Roman Senate (57-56 BC) (MA) | 1996 | Linderski, Houston, Talbert |
Student Name | Title (M.A. or dissertation) | Year Defended | Committee |
Abbot, James C. | Roman Deceit: Dolus in Latin Literature and Roman Society (diss.) | 1997 | Linderski, Houston, Wooten, Mack, Stadter |
Coulam, Andrew Craig | Male Pudicitia: Conceptions of Sexual Virtue for Men in Roman Republican Literature (MA) | 1997 | Linderski, Wooten, Weiss |
Mazurek, Tadeusz R. | Legal Terminology in Horace's Satires (diss.) | 1997 | Linderski, Reckford, Mack |
Hansen, Tina Louise | The Nymph Kyrene: A Touchstone for the Women in Pindar's Epinikians (MA) | 1997 | Race, Smith, Wooten |
Brunelle, Christopher Michael | Gender and Genre in Ovid's Remedia Amoris (diss.) | 1997 | Mack, Reckford, Brown, Wooten, Houston |
Student Name | Title (M.A. or dissertation) | Year Defended | Committee |
Clarkson, Christine L. | A Commentary on Pindar's Eighth Pythian Ode: a commentary and interpretation (MA) | 1998 | Race, Smith, Reckford |
Clark, Amy C. | Euripides in a Comic Mirror, the Tragodoumenai (diss.) | 1998 | Reckford, Mack, Stadter, Linderski, Houston |
Beck, Mark A. | Plutarch's Use of Anecdotes in the Lives (diss.) | 1998 | Stadter, Linderski, Talbert, Race, Houston |
Kearney, Jeffrey P. | Departures from the Plain Style in Lysias (MA) | 1998 | Wooten, West, Smith |
Peretti, Elizabeth D. Clark | Vergilian Influences on the Opera Dido and Aeneas (MA) | 1998 | Mack, Houston, Wooten |
Buszard, Brad B. | Vota and the Methods of Livy (MA) | 1998 | Linderski, Houston, Talbert |
Student Name | Title (M.A. or dissertation) | Year Defended | Committee |
Garrett, George Gorham | Assumptions About Divine Intervention in the World of Homer's Odyssey (diss.) | 1999 | Smith, Stadter, Mack, Linderski, Weiss |
Cayless, Hugh Anthony | The Rhetoric of Praise in Poetry from Theocritus to Ovid (diss.) | 1999 | Race, Brown, Davis, Mack, Wooten |
Beneker, Jeffrey S. | Plutarch's Caesar (MA) | 1999 | Stadter, Linderski, Wooten |
Hawkins, Shane H. | Historical Phonology of Ephesian (MA) | 1999 | Weiss, Melchert, West |