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Student NameTitle (M.A. or dissertation)Year DefendedCommittee
Carson, Lisa D. JacobsSong in Vergil's Eclogues (diss.)1990Mack, Reckford, Brown
Falcon, MarkApparent Violations of Hermann's Bridge in Homer (MA)1990
Washington, Carol ElizabethHerodotus' Double Standard (MA)1990Talbert, Stadter, West
Hadavas, Constantine TriantafilosA Literary Analysis of Prayer in the Iliad (MA)1990Smith, Bolter, Reckford
Felton, DebbieA Survey and Analysis of Metamorphosis to Stone (MA)1990Smith, Reckford, Mack
McDonough, Christopher MichaelHercules of the Ara Maxima: A Study in Roman Religion and Cult (MA)1990Linderski, Brown, Koeppel
Johnson, David M.Hesiod's Cosmology (MA)1990Brown, Stadter, Bolter
Donahue, John F.The Corpus Pistorum and Panis Popularis: Bakers and Bread in the Later Roman Empire (MA)1990Talbert, Houston, Linderski
Student NameTitle (M.A. or dissertation)Year DefendedCommittee
Nicholson, John H.Cicero's Actio gratiarum: The Orations Post reditum in senatu and Ad Quirites (diss.)1991Linderski, Kennedy, Wooten
Merrill, Patricia Louise FoleyDeception and Perception in the Sixth Satire of Persius (diss.)1991Kennedy, Wooten, Mack, Bolter, Stadter
Musgrove, Margaret WorshamNarrative Experimentation in Ovid's Metamorphoses, Books 12-14 (diss.)1991Mack, Reckford, Wooten, Houston, Bolter
Frauenfelder, David WilliamThe Spartan Dioscuri: Their Origins and Development in the Hellenic World (diss.)1991Brown, DeGrummond, N.T., West
Smith, Rebekah M.The Tradition of the Lives of the Ten Orators in Plutarch and Photius (diss.)1991Stadter, Kennedy, Wooten, West, Ganz
MacInnes, DeborahPercussus amore: The Role of the vates in Vergil's Georgics (MA)1991
McClesky, Sarah ElizabethThe Prostyle Plan in Greek Architecture: The Eighth Through the Fifth Centuries BC (MA)1991Sams, Sturgeon, Koeppel
McDaniel, M. Joannquin ipsa manubria cultellorum ossea: The Catalogue of Worked Bone from the University of Georgia's Excavation of the Circus at Carthage, Seasons 1985-90 (MA)1991Koeppel, Norman, Houston
Starks, John H.Authorial Structure and Purpose in Appian's Libyke (MA)1991Stadter, Linderski, Talbert
Spencer, Richard AlbertThe Terminology and Typology of the Supplications in the Iliad (MA)1991Smith, Brown, West
Student NameTitle (M.A. or dissertation)Year DefendedCommittee
Thurmond, David L.Felicitas: Public Rites of Human Fecundity in Ancient Rome (diss.)1992Linderski, Houston, Brown, Wooten, West
Wharton, David B.Ambiguity in the Aeneid (diss.)1992
Thomas, Patrick MichaelLH IIIB:1 Pottery from Tsoungiza and Zygouries (diss.)1992Sams, Immerwahr, S.A., Sturgeon, Koeppel, West
Calamia, Beth LaurenKlutotékhnes Hephaistos: The Cult of Hephaestus in Athens (MA)1992
Bernardo, Yvonne L.Et careant loliis occulos vitiantibus agri (MA)1992Linderski, West, Houston
Student NameTitle (M.A. or dissertation)Year DefendedCommittee
Walker, Andrew DavidStudies in Spectatorship and Desire in Classical Literature (diss.)1993Kennedy, Stadter, Mack
Teske, Michael A.An Analysis and Description of a 15th-century Italian Manuscript (MA)1993Ganz, Linderski, West
Wood, DavidLucius' Educational Adventure: A Structural Analysis of Apuleius' Metamorphoses (MA)1993Wooten, Mack, Houston
Wildfang, Robin Stacey LorschOmina Imperii: The Omens of Power Received by the Roman Emperors from Augustus to Domitian, their Religious Interpretation and Political Influence (diss.)1993Linderski, Houston, Smith
Moore, Alice AnnMind Over Matter: Battles and Generals in the Anabasis (MA)1993Stadter, McCoy, Smith
Zabin, Serena R.Power and Poetics on Mt. Helicon (MA)1993Mack, Houston, Kennedy
Panciera, Matthew D.The Tribunes of the Plebs in Livy's First Decade (MA)1993Reckford, Houston, Linderski, Wooten, Koeppel
Clark, Jonathan KennethThe Alexander-Quire in UNC-CH Ms 515 (MA)1993Gantz, Pfaff, Stadter
Student NameTitle (M.A. or dissertation)Year DefendedCommittee
Seavey, William D.Ius Belli: Roman Ideology and the Rights of War (diss.)1994Linderski, Stadter, Kennedy, Houston, Talbert
Driscoll, David J.Irony in Herodotus' Account of the Persian Wars, Books 7-9 of the Histories (diss.)1994Stadter, Kennedy, Wooten, Linderski, Reckford
Brunelle, Christopher MichaelHerodotus' Foreign Glossary (MA)1994Stadter, Smith, Brown
Reynolds, Nancy ElizabethNarrative Metamorphoses of Rape in Ovid (MA)1994Mack, Reckford, Houston
Alley, Elizabeth AlisonPompeiian Garden Paintings (MA)1994Sturgeon, Immerwahr, S.A., Soles, M.E.
Goldman, Andrew LeeThe Pre-Sullan Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus in Rome (MA)1994Sams, Koeppel, Haggis, Voigt, Talbert
Mueller, Hans-Friedrich OttoExempla Tuenda: Religion, Virtue, and Politics in Valerius Maximus (diss.)1994Linderski, Stadter, Koeppel, Houston, Smith
Cosgriff, Laurie StuartThe Ethopoiia of Plato's Republic (diss.)1994Brown, Mack, Reckford, Clay, Kennedy, Stadter
Withers, Robert EugeneTacitus' Characterization of Antonius Primus in Histories III (MA)1994Houston, West, Ganz
Cayless, Hugh AnthonyLiber adest: Bacchus in Ovid's Metamorphoses (MA)1994Mack, Wooten, Houston
Roberts, Anne LoomisSokrates and Other Ghosts of the Phrontisterion (MA)1994Reckford, Smith, Brown
Whitney, Deborah LynnThe Pergamene Style of Doric Temple Architecture: A Study of the Doric Temples at Pergamon, Mamurt Kale, and Aigai (MA)1994Sams, Koeppel, Connor
Student NameTitle (M.A. or dissertation)Year DefendedCommittee
Felton, DebbieThe Ghost Story in Classical Antiquity (diss.)1995Reckford, Houston, Linderski, Mack, Wooten
Hadavas, Constantine TriantafilosThe Structure, Form, and Meaning of Plutarch's Life of Solon (diss.)1995Stadter, Mack, Brown, Reckford, Talbert
Gerdes, Mary Womble BarringerWomen in Performance in Plautus (diss.)1995Reckford, Stadter, Linderski, Mack, Wooten
Ipock, Ronald S.Caesorum mortes in vitis Caesarum: Death Scenes of the Julio-Claudian Rulers in Suetonius' De Vita Caesarum (MA)1995Houston, Stadter, Linderski
Stockhausen, J. MatthewAlcibiades and Tyranny in Thucydides (MA)1995Stadter, Smith, West
Letts, David E.Studies in Honorific Decrees from the Garrison Demes of Attica (MA)1995West, Stadter, Houston
Lund, Brian ZacharyWomen and Inheritance in Pliny's Epistulae (MA)1995Linderski, Talbert, Houston
Thigpen, Jane MacRae BaileyA Literary Analysis of Latin Epitaphs from Roman Spain Which Contain Creative Biographical Discourse (diss.)1995Houston, Linderski, Wooten, West, Reckford
Roudenbush, Jeffrey A.Servilla and Roman Politics Through 44 BC (MA)1995Linderski, Houston, West
McDaniel, M. JoannAugustus, the Vestals, and the signum imperii (diss.)1995Koeppel, Linderski, Mack
Heil, Edward J.Mutatas Dicere Formas: A Cognitive Semantics Approach to Change and Storytelling in Ovid's Metamorphoses (MA)1995Mack, Reckford, Weiss
Fiscelli, Kathryn A.An Examination of the Main Problems Concerning Iliad 6.119-234 (MA)1995Smith, Brown, Stadter
Jones, Amy SusanThe Animation of Non-Living Substances in Ovid's Metamorphoses (MA)1995Mack, Reckford, Houston
Student NameTitle (M.A. or dissertation)Year DefendedCommittee
Spencer, Richard AlbertContrast in Ovid's Metamorphoses (diss.)1996Mack, Wooten, Reckford, Houston, Smith
Glendinning, Matthew R.Phrygian Architectural Terracottas at Gordion (diss.)1996Sams, Koeppel
McDonnell, Kathryn J.Place Personifications and Room H of the Villa of Publius Fannius Synistor (MA)1996Koeppel, Sturgeon, Talbert
Clapp, Douglas C.Unattributed Speech Reports in Annales 2.53-3.19 (MA)1996Houston, Stadter, Wooten
Johnson, David M.A Commentary on Plato's Greater Alcibiades (diss.)1996Smith, Long, Brown, Stadter, West
McDonough, Christopher MichaelLiminal Animals in Roman Religion and Folklore (diss.)1996Linderski, Houston, Reckford, Brown, Koeppel
Donahue, John F.Epula Publica: The Roman Community at Table During the Principate (diss.)1996Talbert, Houston, Linderski, Brown, West
Frane, Julia E.The Tell Leilan Period I Habur Ware Assemblage (diss.)1996Gates, M.-H., Sams, Sasson, Koeppel, Smith
Cheshire, Keyne AshleyStructure and Meaning in Callimachus' Hymn to Zeus (MA)1996Race, Brown, Smith, Reckford, Mack
Hopkins, Michelle LynneThe Use of Obstruction in meetings of the Roman Senate (57-56 BC) (MA)1996Linderski, Houston, Talbert
Student NameTitle (M.A. or dissertation)Year DefendedCommittee
Abbot, James C.Roman Deceit: Dolus in Latin Literature and Roman Society (diss.)1997Linderski, Houston, Wooten, Mack, Stadter
Coulam, Andrew CraigMale Pudicitia: Conceptions of Sexual Virtue for Men in Roman Republican Literature (MA)1997Linderski, Wooten, Weiss
Mazurek, Tadeusz R.Legal Terminology in Horace's Satires (diss.)1997Linderski, Reckford, Mack
Hansen, Tina LouiseThe Nymph Kyrene: A Touchstone for the Women in Pindar's Epinikians (MA)1997Race, Smith, Wooten
Brunelle, Christopher MichaelGender and Genre in Ovid's Remedia Amoris (diss.)1997Mack, Reckford, Brown, Wooten, Houston
Student NameTitle (M.A. or dissertation)Year DefendedCommittee
Clarkson, Christine L.A Commentary on Pindar's Eighth Pythian Ode: a commentary and interpretation (MA)1998Race, Smith, Reckford
Clark, Amy C.Euripides in a Comic Mirror, the Tragodoumenai (diss.)1998Reckford, Mack, Stadter, Linderski, Houston
Beck, Mark A.Plutarch's Use of Anecdotes in the Lives (diss.)1998Stadter, Linderski, Talbert, Race, Houston
Kearney, Jeffrey P.Departures from the Plain Style in Lysias (MA)1998Wooten, West, Smith
Peretti, Elizabeth D. ClarkVergilian Influences on the Opera Dido and Aeneas (MA)1998Mack, Houston, Wooten
Buszard, Brad B.Vota and the Methods of Livy (MA)1998Linderski, Houston, Talbert
Student NameTitle (M.A. or dissertation)Year DefendedCommittee
Garrett, George GorhamAssumptions About Divine Intervention in the World of Homer's Odyssey (diss.)1999Smith, Stadter, Mack, Linderski, Weiss
Cayless, Hugh AnthonyThe Rhetoric of Praise in Poetry from Theocritus to Ovid (diss.)1999Race, Brown, Davis, Mack, Wooten
Beneker, Jeffrey S.Plutarch's Caesar (MA)1999Stadter, Linderski, Wooten
Hawkins, Shane H.Historical Phonology of Ephesian (MA)1999Weiss, Melchert, West