External Awards, Fellowships, and Prizes
American Academy in Rome
Rome Prize
The American Academy in Rome awards about 30 artists and scholars under several disciplines to recognize their cross-disciplinary work in the arts and humanities. Recipients are encouraged to continue their work through project funding. For more information, see the Rome Prize page on the American Academy in Rome website.
Berthe M. Marti Affiliated Fellowship
This fellowship is supported by an endowment held and administered by Bryn Mawr College. It provides funding for an ABD doctoral student or recent PhD (awarded with previous three years) to conduct research for an academic year in Rome. An award can usually be made every two or three years, and it usually alternates between Bryn Mawr and UNC Chapel Hill students. It thus typically becomes available for a UNC student every five or six years; the Chair announces its availability and solicits applications in the preceding academic year. Eligibility for this Fellowship is limited to those who work on a Latin topic, including medieval Latin, palaeography, and textual criticism; those working in Greek, archaeology, Byzantine Studies, and Renaissance Studies are explicitly excluded. It is an advantage, but not a requirement, to have a project that would benefit from on-site research in Rome. For further information, visit the American Academy in Rome website.
Archaeological Institute of America.
The AIA sponsors a number of fellowships that can be used to support doctoral research. These include the John R. Coleman Traveling Fellowship, an $10,000 award for travel and study in Italy, the western Mediterranean, and North Africa and the Olivia James Traveling Fellowship, a $24,000 award for travel and study in Greece, Cyprus, Sicily, southern Italy, Turkey, or Mesopotamia. For a full list of AIA fellowships, grants, and scholarships, see AIA’s website.
CAMWS Excavation/Field School Award
The Classical Association of the Middle West and South annually awards three $2,000 scholarships for participation in summer excavation or field school at an archaeological site in the Graeco-Roman world. Generally, one award will be made to a graduate student and another to an undergraduate, but teachers are also eligible for this award. Applicants must be current members of CAMWS who are enrolled as an undergraduate or graduate student in a degree-granting Classics program within CAMWS territory. For further information, see the CAMWS website.
Fulbright Programs
The Fulbright Program offers about 8,000 grants to graduate students in a variety of academic fields and disciplines. Applicants can choose from more than 160 countries to study, research, or teach abroad. It is sponsored by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, under the U.S. Department of State. For further information, see UNC’s Center of Global Initiative’s website. You can also read about the different programs on the U.S. Department of State website.