The B.L. Ullman Prize in Latin
Berthold L. Ullman (1882-1965) received his PhD from the University of Chicago in 1908 and held appointments at the University of Pittsburgh, the State University of Iowa, and the University of Chicago before accepting an appointment as Kenan Professor and Chair of Classics at the University of North Carolina in 1944. His extraordinary energy was legendary, and permitted him to combine scholarly interests in palaeography, medieval and Renaissance literature, the transmission of classical texts, and Latin poetry on the one hand with, on the other, publication of a popular series of elementary Latin textbooks. For a more detailed account, see B.L. Ullman’s page.
The Ullman Prize is funded by an endowment established by Professor Ullman in 1963 for the purpose of encouraging students in their study of Latin. The prize is awarded to a student enrolled in fourth semester Latin (LATN 204 or 205) who shows the best ability to translate at sight selected passages of Latin in a competitive written examination. For current and former winners of the Ullman Prize, see the Prize Winners Past and Present page. Please consider making a gift to the B. L. Ullman Prize in Latin. To make a donation, please contact Philip Brooks in the Arts and Sciences Foundation.