Norman B. Sandridge, MA ’02; PhD ’05
Associate Professor, Department of Classics, Howard University
Etan Savir, MA ’86
Anthony J. Schimizzi, MA ’73
Daniel J. Schindler, MA ’12; PhD ’17
William Cook Schley, MA ’83
Stephen P. Scully, MA ’74
Professor, Department of Classical Studies, Boston University
William D. Seavey, PhD ’94
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Classical Languages, University of the South
Talbot R. Selby, MA ’52; PhD ’56
James N. Settle, PhD ’62
Daniel Joseph Sheerin, PhD ’69
Professor Emeritus of Classics, Department of Classics, University of Notre Dame
Edward Shreeves, PhD ’78
Jolie Therese Siebold, MA ’69
Warren Sitt Siepp, MA ’72
Thomas Moorman Simkins, Jr., MA ’37
Virginia Beckett Simkins, MA ’37
Lawrence Joseph Simms, MA ’69; PhD ’74
Katherine De Boer Simons, MA ’10; PhD ’16
Eugene Rogers Smith, MA ’32
Janet E. Smith, MA ’75
Joan Tidwell Smith, MA ’67
Minnie Jameson Smith, PhD ’32
Rebekah M. Smith, PhD ’91
Lecturer, Department of Classics, UNC Chapel Hill
Nathan Israel Smolin, MA ’17; PhD ’21
Teaching Assistant Professor, Department of Classics, UNC Chapel Hill
Jane McIntosh Snyder, PhD ’69
Emerita faculty, Department of Greek and Latin, The Ohio State University
Jeffrey S. Soles, MA ’69
Professor Emeritus, Department of Classical Studies, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Jon D. Solomon, MA ’74; PhD ’80
Robert D. Novak Chair and Professor, Department of Classics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Robert Paul Sonkowsky, PhD ’55
Professor Emeritus, University of Minnesota
Hannah Sorscher, MA ’17; PhD ’21
Andrew C. Spencer, MA ’09
Richard Albert Spencer, MA ’91; PhD ’96
Professor Emeritus, Department of Philosophy and Religion, Appalachian State University
Richard M. Stanley, PhD ’03
Visiting Assistant Professor, Greek and Roman Studies, Concordia College
Frances Stansell, MA ’33
John Starks, MA ’91; PhD ’04
Associate Professor, Department of Middle Eastern and Ancient Mediterranean Studies, SUNY Binghamton
Susan Jane Stephenson, MA ’69
J. Matthew Stockhausen, MA ’95
Laura M. Stone, MA ’73; PhD ’77
Denis Francis Sullivan, PhD ’72
Professor, Department of Teaching, Learning, Policy and Leadership, University of Maryland College Park
Albert Irving Suskin, MA ’32; PhD ’36
Professor Classics and Chair, ’36-65, UNC-Chapel Hill
Lewis Arthur Sussman, PhD ’69
Professor Emeritus, Department of Classics, University of Florida
Priscilla Warren Sutherland, PhD ’50
Robert F. Sutton, PhD ’81
Professor Emeritus, Department of Classical Studies, University at Indianapolis
Myrtle Swicegood Tanner, MA ’42
Cicek Tascioglu, PhD ’19
Herman Ward Taylor, PhD ’70
Michael A. Teske, MA ’93
Adjunct Instructor, University of Arizona
Jane MacRae Bailey Thigpen, MA ’84; PhD ’95
Elizabeth Wolfram Thill, MA ’07; PhD ’12
Assistant Professor, Department of World Languages and Cultures, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
Hannah Cecily Thomas, MA ’80
Patrick Michael Thomas, PhD ’92
Associate Professor, Department of Archaeology, University of Evansville
David Lowell Thompson, PhD ’72
Associate Professor, Department of Classics and Egyptology, Howard University
David L. Thurmond, PhD ’92
Henry Willis Traub, MA ’52; PhD ’54
Florence Edgerton Underhill, MA ’28
Henrietta Underwood, MA ’30