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Professor Emeritus of Classics

Prof. West currently serves as a consultant on epigraphy and history to the excavations at Azoria, Crete. He has contributed material on the history of the site and inscribed pottery to excavation reports and is preparing a chapter on inscribed pottery for the final publication. He has also begun a project of study of virtues in Greek inscriptions, the first result of which is an article on eunoia which has appeared in the Acta of the XIIth International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, Barcelona (2007).

He continues to teach in the Osher Lifetime Learning Institute at Duke University, with courses on Greek and Roman Education, Homer and the Heroic Age, Alexander and the Hellenistic Age, and Athletics in the Greek and Roman World, the latter two presently in preparation. For use in class, he has produced course packs of documents and translations of texts on these subjects.

He has been working on a study of an opisthographic lead tablet from Sicily, 5th Century B.C., in the Rare Book Room, Wilson Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is also researching the layout and presentation on stone of the texts of Athenian Decrees of the 5th and Early 4th Centuries B.C.

E-mail: wwestATemailDOTuncDOTedu