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2021 Spring Ceremony with undergraduate students and faculty
2021 Spring Ceremony with undergraduate students and faculty
The Classics Department congratulates all 2020 and 2021 department graduates! To recognize and celebrate the students’ achievements, the department hosted a virtual graduation ceremony on May 16. We wish you well on your journey after graduation.
Read more about the students plans after graduation:

Undergraduate Students

Melissa DePierro (she/her)
Dec 2020 graduate
Classics (Classical Archaeology) and Art History double major; Anthropology minor
Nims Scholarship recipient
“I will be attending The University of Georgia on a full ride to complete my Master’s in Art History and working as a departmental assistant during my time there.”

Emmi Margaret Farrell (she/her)
May 2021 graduate
Classics and History double major; Art History minor
“I will be attending Tufts University in Medford, MA to pursue a MA in Art History and Museum Studies.”

Jordyn Gray (she/her)
May 2021 graduate
Classics (Classical Archaeology) and Archaeology double major; Classical Humanities minor
“Participating in the Post-Baccalaureate program for a year or two, then applying to graduate school.”

Justin Hadad (he/him)
May 2021 graduate
Economics and Interdisciplinary Studies (Applied Physics) double major; Latin minor
Morehead-Cain Scholarship recipient; Honors Carolina Laureate; Phi Beta Kappa; Robert E. Bryan Fellow; Parr Center for Ethics Fellow; Launch Chapel Hill Fellow; 1789 Student Entrepreneur; Rhodes Scholarship Finalist
Senior thesis: “Improving Scheduling Outcomes with a Dutch Auction” (advised by Professor Kyle Woodward)
“Biking along––and recording my findings for––the East Coast Greenway!”

Bryan Mathew Kohn (he/his)
May 2021 graduate
Classics (Classical Archaeology); History and Anthropology double minor
Nims Scholarship recipient
“Accepted at USF for a fully funded Ancient History M.A. Plan to go from that, to a Ph.D. if possible. My goal is to get to a tenure track position.”

Grace Elizabeth Miller (she/her)
May 2021 graduate
Classics (Combined Greek and Latin with Latin concentration)
Nims Scholarship, Manson-Stewart Award, and Epps Prize in Greek Studies recipient
Senior Honors Thesis: “Cursus Servorum: Gendered Patterns in Owners’ Valuations” (advised by Professor Sharon James)
“After graduation, I will be attending the University of California at Santa Barbara to pursue a PhD in Classics. I am looking forward to my journey to becoming a professor of Classics.”

Robert Rhinehart (he/his)
May 2021 graduate
Classics (Classical Archaeology) and Religious Studies double major; Art History minor
Snow Award, Nims Scholarship, Wells Fund recipient; Phi Betta Kappa President (2019-2020) and Vice President (2020-2021)
Senior Honors Thesis: Romans on the Runway: “Classical Reception in Contemporary High Fashion” (advised by Professor Hérica Valladares)
“I am an Alternate for the Fulbright and applying to jobs in the museum field.”

Caitlin Rose Sockin (she/her)
August 2021 graduate
Classics (Classical Civilization) and Archaeology double major
“Realm of museum work and teaching group fitness on the side.”

Whitney Brooke Sprinkle (she/her)
May 2021 graduate
History (Ancient and Medieval concentration) and Archaeology double major; Classical Humanities minor
“I am attending Appalachian State University starting in August to get my M.A. in History with a concentration in Museum Studies. I will also be working as a teaching/research assistant in the History Department.”

Graduate Students

2021 Spring Ceremony with Undergraduate students, Graduate students, and faculty
2021 Spring Ceremony with Undergraduate students, Graduate students, and faculty

Ryan Masato Baldwin (he/him)
May 2021 graduate
Classics (Historical) MA
MA Thesis: “Remember You Are Mortal: A Historical Reading of Pindar’s Olympian 1” (advised by Professor Patricia Rosenmeyer)
“I’m staying here to pursue my PhD! :)”

Andrew Ficklin (he/him)
August 2021 graduate
Classics PhD
Paper recently accepted for publication in Classical Philology: “Medea’s Platonic Soul Takes Flight (Apollonius Argonautica 3.1150-54).”
Dissertation: “Venus’ Other Son: The Figure of Cupid is Augustan Literature and Art” (advised by Professor Jim O’Hara)
“I’ve accepted a position teaching upper-level Latin (grades 9-12) at Trinity School of Durham and Chapel Hill, and will act as chair of their Latin department.”

Kelly Irene McArdle (she/her)
August 2021 graduate
Classical Philology PhD
Caroline H. and Thomas S. Royster Fellowship; 2021 recipient of the Lambda Classical Caucus Graduate Student Paper Award (for “Rethinking Julia Balbilla: Queer Poetics on the Memnon Colossus.” Presented at SCS 2020)
Dissertation: “quid minitare? habeo tergum: Brutal Humor and Elite Viewership of Plautine Comedy” (advised by Sharon James)
“I’ll be staying in Durham, NC to teach 8th grade Latin at Excelsior Classical Academy starting in August.”

S. Elizabeth Needham (she/her)
August 2021 graduate
Classics MA
MA Thesis: “Here and Now and Then and There: The Construction of Imagined Space in Sappho” (advised by Professor Patricia Rosenmeyer)
“I plan to continue on to the Ph.D. program in Classics.”

Nathan Smolin (he/him)
May 2021 graduate
Classics PhD
Dissertation: “Christ the Emperor: Roman Emperor and Christian Theology in the 4th Century AD” (advised by Professor James Rives)

Hannah Sorscher (she/her)
August 2021 graduate
Classics PhD
Honorable Mention for the Women’s Classical Caucus Best Pre-Ph.D. Paper for my paper on “Wife-Erasure in Terence’s Hecyra,” presented at the 2020 SCS Annual Meeting; Teach@Tübingen Fellowship recipient to teach and research at the University of Tübingen in Germany; two forthcoming publications, a note on Ovid’s Metamorphoses and a chapter on second-phase warfare in Homer’s Iliad.
Dissertation: “Unconventional Families in Roman Comedy” (advised by Professor Sharon James)
“I will be in Tübingen until next Spring teaching here and applying for jobs!”

Emma Warhover (she/her)
May 2021 graduate
Classics PhD
Dean’s Graduate Fellowship
Dissertation: “Humor in the Historical Works of Tacitus” (advised by Professor James Rives)
“I plan to find a job teaching Latin.”

Cole Warlick (he/him)
May 2021 graduate
Classics MA
MA Thesis: “Commercial Horticulture and Domestic Space at Roman Pompeii: The House of the Ship Europa” (advised by Professor Hérica Valladares)

To read more about our graduate students go see the Graduate Student page.

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