General Education Requirements
Foundations: Foreign Language (FL)
Greek |
GREK 101 | Elementary Classical Greek I |
GREK 102 | Elementary Classical Greek II |
GREK 203 | Intermediate Greek I |
GREK 204 | Intermediate Greek II |
GREK 205 | Greek New Testament |
Latin |
LATN 101 | Elementary Latin I |
LATN 102 | Elementary Latin II |
LATN 203 | Intermediate Latin I |
LATN 204 | Intermediate Latin II |
Approaches: Historical Analysis (HS)
Classical Archaeology |
CLAR/RELI/JWST 110 | The Archaeology of Palestine in the New Testament Period |
CLAR 120 | Ancient Cities |
CLAR 241 | Archaeology of Ancient Near East |
CLAR 242 | Archaeology of Egypt |
CLAR 243 | Minoans and Mycenaeans: The Archaeology of Bronze Age Greece |
CLAR 244 | Greek Archaeology |
CLAR 245 | Archaeology of Italy |
CLAR 375 | Archaeology of Cult |
CLAR 464 | Greek Architecture |
CLAR 475 | Rome and the Western Provinces |
CLAR 489 | The Archaeology of Anatolia in the Bronze and Iron Ages |
CLAR 491 | The Archaeology of Early Greece (1200 - 500 BCE) |
Classics |
CLAS 062 | First Year Seminar: Barbarians in Greek and Roman Culture |
CLAS 071 | First Year Seminar: The Architecture of Empire |
CLAS 073 | First Year Seminar: Life in Ancient Pompeii |
CLAS 122 | The Romans |
CLAS 242 | Sex and Gender in Antiquity |
CLAS 391 | Junior Seminar |
Approaches: Philosophical/Moral Reasoning (PH)
Classical Archaeology |
CLAR 051 | First Year Seminar: Who Owns the Past? |
Classics |
CLAS 451 | Roman Law |
Approaches: Literary Arts (LA)
Classics |
CLAS 055 | First Year Seminar: Three Greek and Roman Epics |
CLAS 056 | First Year Seminar: Women and Men in Euripides |
CLAS 058 | First Year Seminar: What's So Funny? Women and Comedy from Athens to Hollywood |
CLAS 060 | First Year Seminar: Love, War, Death, and Family Life in Classical Myth |
CLAS 063 | First Year Seminar: The Politics of Persuasion in the Ancient Modern Worlds |
CLAS 065 | First Year Seminar: The City of Rome |
CLAS 121 | The Greeks |
CLAS 131 | Classical Mythology |
CLAS 133H | Epic Tragedy |
CLAS 240 | Women in Greek Art and Literature |
CLAS 241 | Women in Ancient Rome |
CLAS 253 | The Age of Pericles |
CLAS 257 | The Age of Augustus |
CLAS 258 | The Age of the Early Roman Empire |
CLAS 259 | Pagans and Christians in the Age of Constantine |
CLAS 362 | Greek Tragedy |
CLAS 363 | Latin and Greek Lyric Poetry in Translation |
CLAS/CMPL 364 | The Classical Background of English Poetry |
CLAS 371 | Cicero, Caesar, and the End of the Roman Republic |
CLAS 409 | Historical Literature Greek and Roman |
Greek |
GREK 221 | Advanced Greek I |
GREK 222 | Advanced Greek II |
GREK 351 | Classical Greek Prose |
GREK 352 | Greek Poetry |
Latin |
LATN 221 | Vergil |
LATN 222 | Cicero |
LATN 332 | Roman Comedy |
LATN 333 | Lyric Poetry |
LATN 334 | Augustan Poetry |
LATN 351 | Lucretius |
LATN 352 | Petronius and the Age of Nero |
LATN 353 | Satire |
LATN 354 | Tacitus and Pliny's Letters |
Approaches: Visual and Performing Arts (VP)
Classical Archaeology |
CLAR 050 | First Year Seminar: Art in the Ancient City |
CLAR 247 | Roman Archaeology |
CLAR/ARTH 262 | Art of Classical Greece |
CLAR/ARTH 263 | Roman Art |
CLAR 268 | Hellenistic Art and Archaeology |
CLAR/ARTH 465 | Architecture of Etruria and Rome |
CLAR/ARTH 474 | Roman Sculpture |
CLAR/ARTH 476 | Roman Painting |
CLAR/RELI/JWST 512 | Ancient Synagogues |
Classics |
CLAS 064 | First Year Seminar: Cinema and the Ancient World |
CLAS 231 | The Theater in the Greek and Roman World |
Connections: Communication Intensive (CI)
Classical Archaeology |
CLAR 051 | First Year Seminar: Who Owns the Past? |
Classics |
CLAS 061 | First Year Seminar: Writing the Past |
CLAS 062 | First Year Seminar: Barbarians in Greek and Roman Culture |
CLAS 371 | Cicero, Caesar, and the End of the Roman Republic |
Connections: Experiential Education (EE)
Classical Archaeology |
CLAR 650 | Field School in Classical Archaeology |
Classics |
CLAS 691H | Honors Course |
CLAS 692H | Honors Course |
Connections: North Atlantic World (NA)
Classical Archaeology |
CLAR 244 | Greek Archaeology |
CLAR 245 | Archaeology of Italy |
CLAR 247 | Roman Archaeology |
CLAR 262 | Art of Classical Greece |
CLAR 263 | Roman Art |
CLAR 268 | Hellenistic Art and Archaeology |
CLAR 375 | Archaeology of Cult |
CLAR 464 | Greek Architecture |
CLAR 465 | Architecture of Etruria and Rome |
CLAR 491 | The Archaeology of Early Greece (1200 - 500 BCE) |
Classics |
CLAS 055 | First Year Seminar: Three Greek and Roman Epics |
CLAS 056 | First Year Seminar: Women and Men in Eurpides |
CLAS 058 | First Year Seminar: What's So Funny? Women and Comedy from Athens to Hollywood |
CLAS 121 | The Greeks |
CLAS 122 | The Romans |
CLAS 240 | Women in Greek Art and Literature |
CLAS 241 | Women in Ancient Rome |
CLAS 242 | Sex and Gender in Antiquity |
CLAS 257 | The Age of Augustus |
CLAS 258 | The Age of the Early Roman Empire |
CLAS 259 | Pagans and Christians in the Age of Constantine |
CLAS 263 | Athletics in the Greek and Roman World |
CLAS 363 | Latin and Greek Lyric Poetry in Translation |
Greek |
GREK 222 | Advanced Greek II |
GREK 351 | Classical Greek Prose |
Latin |
LATN 221 | Vergil |
LATN 331 | Roman Historians |
LATN 353 | Satire |
Connections: Beyond the North Atlantic (BN)
Classical Archaeology |
CLAR 050 | First Year Seminar: Art in the Ancient City |
CLAR/RELI/JWST 110 | The Archaeology of Palestine in the new Testament Period |
CLAR 241 | Archaeology of Ancient Near East |
CLAR 242 | Archaeology of Egypt |
CLAR 480 | Egypt after the Pharaohs |
CLAR 489 | The Archaeology of Anatolia in the Bronze and Iron Ages |
CLAR/RELI/JWST 512 | Ancient Synagogues |
Classics |
CLAS 071 | First Year Seminar: The Architecture of Empire |
CLAS 073 | First Year Seminar: Life in Ancient Pompeii |
CLAS 253 | The Age of Pericles |
Connections: World Before 1750 (WB)
Classical Archaeology |
CLAR 050 | First Year Seminar: Art in the Ancient City |
CLAR/RELI/JWST 110 | The Archaeology of Palestine in the New Testament Period |
CLAR 120 | Ancient Cities |
CLAR 241 | Archaeology of Ancient Near East |
CLAR 242 | Archaeology of Egypt |
CLAR 243 | Minoans and Mycenaens: The Archaeology of Bronze Age Greece |
CLAR 244 | Greek Archaeology |
CLAR 245 | Archaeology of Italy |
CLAR 247 | Roman Archaeology |
CLAR 263 | Roman Art |
CLAR 268 | Hellenistic Art and Archaeology |
CLAR 375 | Archaeology of Cult |
CLAR 464 | Greek Architecture |
CLAR 465 | Architecture of Etruria and Rome |
CLAR/ARTH 474 | Roman Sculpture |
CLAR 475 | Rome and the Western Provinces |
CLAR/ARTH 476 | Roman Painting |
CLAR 480 | Egypt after the Pharaohs |
CLAR 489 | The Archaeology of Anatolia in the Iron Age |
CLAR 491 | The Archaeology of Early Greece (1200 - 500 BCE) |
CLAR/RELI/JWST 512 | Ancient Synagogues |
Classics |
CLAS 055 | First Year Seminar: Three Greek and Roman Epics |
CLAS 056 | First Year Seminar: Women and Men in Euripides |
CLAS 058 | First Year Seminar: What's So Funny? Women and Comedy from Athens to Hollywood |
CLAS 061 | First Year Seminar: Writing the Past |
CLAS 062 | First Year Seminar: Barbarians in Greek and Roman Culture |
CLAS 063 | First Year Seminar: The Politics of Persuasion in the Ancient and Modern Worlds |
CLAS 071 | First Year Seminar: The Architecture of Empire |
CLAS 073 | First Year Seminar: Life in Ancient Pompeii |
CLAS 121 | The Greeks |
CLAS 122 | The Romans |
CLAS 131 | Classical Mythology |
CLAS 231 | The Theater in the Greek and Roman World |
CLAS 240 | Women in Greek Art and Literature |
CLAS 241 | Women in Ancient Rome |
CLAS 242 | Sex and Gender in Antiquity |
CLAS 253 | The Age of Pericles |
CLAS 257 | The Age of Augustus |
CLAS 258 | The Age of the Early Roman Empire |
CLAS 259 | Pagans and Christians in the Age of Constantine |
CLAS 263 | Athletics in the Greek and Roman World |
CLAS 362 | Greek Tragedy |
CLAS 363 | Latin and Greek Lyric Poetry in Translation |
CLAS/CMPL 364 | The Classical Background of English Poetry |
CLAS 371 | Cicero, Caesar, and the End of the Roman Republic |
CLAS 391 | Junior Seminar |
CLAS 409 | Historical Literature Greek and Roman |
CLAS 415 | Roman Law |
Greek |
GREK 221 | Advanced Greek I |
GREK 352 | Greek Poetry |
Latin |
LATN 205 | Medieval Latin |
LATN 221 | Vergil |
LATN 332 | Roman Comedy |
LATN 353 | Satire |
Connections: Global Issues (GL)
Classical Archaeology |
CLAR 051 | First Year Seminar: Who Owns the Past? |