Guide to Department and University Administration
- ChairChair: Donald Haggis
The Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences appoints the Chair after consultation with departmental faculty and staff. The Chair ordinarily serves a term of five years, which can be renewed. The Chair reports in the first instance to the Senior Associate Dean for Fine Arts and Humanities. The Chair is the person ultimately responsible for all administrative, curricular, and financial decisions within the Department. Thus he or she appoints departmental officers and committees; presides at faculty meetings; determines the courses to be offered and assigns the faculty to teach them; makes all funding decisions; is the chief development officer for the Department; and makes final decisions, after consultation with the faculty, on all personnel matters, including recommendations to the College regarding hiring, tenure, and promotion. - Faculty Administrative Appointments and Committee AssignmentsThe Chair normally makes administrative appointments and committee assignments in the spring, to be effective July 1. The list of current assignments can be found on the Administrative and Committee Assignments. The responsibilities of some key appointments are summarized below.
Director of Graduate Studies (DGS): Janet Downie
The DGS is responsible for advising graduate students, particularly in their first few years, for coordinating the MA and PhD exams in philology and for informing students of the results, and for scheduling and monitoring attendance at the proseminars. The DGS also serves as Assistant Chair, assuming the Chair’s responsibilities when he or she is absent and providing advice on departmental matters.Director of the Archaeology Program: Jennifer Gates-Foster
The Director of the Archaeology Program takes on the role of DGS in coordinating the MA and PhD exams in archaeology and informing the students of the results; he or she also advises the Chair as needed on course offerings in archaeology, on travel awards for students in archaeology, and on graduate student teaching appointments in archaeology.Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS): Emily Baragwanath
The DUS is responsible for coordinating the advising of undergraduate majors and minors and handling all bureaucratic matters pertaining to undergraduate degree programs; the DUS also chairs the Undergraduate Committee.Summer School Administrator: Jennifer Gates-Foster
The Summer School Administrator, in consultation with the Chair, determines the course offerings for the summer sessions, chooses the instructors, supervises the relevant bureaucratic matters, and is responsible for publicizing the courses and arranging for class visitations for the instructors. - StaffDepartment Manager: Cinnamon Weaver
The Department Manager supervises most non-academic aspects of the department, especially all HR and finance matters. She or he manages the budgets for all departmental accounts and faculty research funds (state, trust, grant, overhead, and summer school); approves payments for invoices, independent contractors, reimbursements for faculty and graduate student purchases and travel; and prepares purchase orders for equipment and services over $5,000. In the area of HR, she or he hires, supervises and evaluates staff employees and work-study students, including library staff; prepares personnel actions for faculty and summer school instructors; assists with new faculty searches; and assists in preparation of visa documents. She or he also distributes building keys, coordinates the computer deployment, and coordinates arrangements for conferences and visiting faculty.Student Services Manager: Kim Miles
The Student Services Manager handles most matters relating to students and the undergraduate and graduate programs. In the graduate admissions process she or he maintains applicant files, provides notifications, and coordinates department visits and new student orientation. For enrolled graduate students, she or he maintains student files, prepares personnel actions, provides students with notifications and information, helps schedule exams and defenses, and assists the Chair with teaching appointments. For undergraduates, she or he coordinates departmental prizes and awards and organizes the departmental commencement ceremony. In addition, the Student Services Manager handles reimbursements and payments to vendors, and holds the Department purchasing card.Secretary: Vacant
In addition to the duties of a receptionist, the Secretary and Registrar maintains the departmental website and edits Tabulae, the annual departmental newsletter; reserves classrooms for departmental functions and after-hours use; assists the Manager with travel reimbursements; submits building maintenance requests; and serves as the departmental Parking Coordinator. As Department Registrar, she or he also coordinates the course timetable and classroom requests, under the supervision of the Chair; prepares and distributes the course schedule; deals with student registration issues; assists with the ordering of textbooks and orders desk copies.Department Librarian: Ethan Glattfelder
Every year the Department hires a student (frequently a Master’s student in the School of Information and Library Science) to oversee the Ullman Library. The Librarian organizes course reserve shelves; processes new acquisitions, faculty requests for new books, and deaccessions; and handles book donations and organizes periodic book sales. She or he is currently assisted by part-time interns, also from SILS.Work-Study Students
The Department sometimes employs an undergraduate work-study student during the academic year to assist with in the office. Students usually begin work the first week of classes and continue working until, and sometimes through, final exams. Each student works 10-15 hours per week according to a schedule in the main office. Faculty who would like the assistance of the work-study student with a particular task should submit a request form to the Department Manager, by email or in the office; only the Department Manager has the authority to assign tasks to the work-study student.
- OverviewThe College of Arts and Sciences includes all academic departments and programs that are not based in one of the professional schools and has oversight of most undergraduate degrees programs. The Dean of the College (Terry Rhodes) is responsible for College policy and all major decisions, but the management of day-to-day operations and oversight of particular areas is entrusted to the Senior Associate Deans (SADs). For the organization of the Dean’s Office, see the College of Arts and Sciences website. The Senior Associate Dean for Fine Arts and Humanities (Elizabeth Engelhardt) is the Chair’s immediate supervisor, and is responsible for making decisions about budget allotments, position authorizations, and the like. The Senior Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education (Abigail Panter) has oversight of all non-department based programs and units in the College that concern undergraduate education. The following units within the College are particularly worthy of note.
- The Office of Undergraduate CurriculaThe Office of Undergraduate Curricula, under its Associate Dean (James Thompson), has oversight of the general education requirements; approves proposals for new courses, new majors and minors, and changes to existing programs; and is responsible for the Undergraduate Bulletin. The Bulletin provides official and authoritative information about all policies, programs, and requirements that affect undergraduates. Academic oversight of the curriculum is provided by the Administrative Boards of the General College and the College of Arts and Sciences, commonly known as the Ad Boards.
- Academic AdvisingAcademic Advising, under its Associate Dean and Director (Chloe Russell), helps undergraduate students understand and comply with the requirements of the general education curriculum and other academic policies of the University and the College of Arts and Sciences.
- The Arts and Sciences Advisory Committee (ASAC)The Arts and Sciences Advisory Committee (ASAC) consists of four faculty members, one elected from each of the College’s four divisions (Fine Arts, Humanities, Natural Sciences and Mathematics, and Social Sciences). Its role is to advise the Dean on all personnel actions within the College, including reappointments, tenure, and promotion.
- The Office of Arts and Sciences Information Services (OASISThe Office of Arts and Sciences Information Services (OASIS) , under its Associate Dean (Andy Lang), provides IT support for all College personnel, including training in a variety of areas (website, Microsoft tools, Sakai), both online and in person, support and guidance for incorporating technology into classroom instruction, and web services. An OASIS staff member (David Joyner) is assigned to the Department to provide individual support for faculty, staff, and students with computer needs or issues.
- Study AbroadStudy Abroad, under its Interim Associate Dean (Jason Kinnear), has oversight of all University-approved study abroad programs. Their website has a useful page of information for faculty and course instructors.
- Research Laboratories in ArchaeologyThe Research Laboratories of Archaeology (RLA), under its Director (Margaret Scarry), is the University’s center for archaeological research. Although its focus in North Carolina archaeology, it provides support for faculty and students working in all fields of archaeology.
- The Institute for Arts and Humanities (IAH)The Institute for the Arts and Humanities (IAH), under its Director (Patricia Parker), provides resources to support faculty initiatives and a place for enriching intellectual exchanges. Its two core programs are the Faculty Fellows Program, which provides one-semester research leaves, and the Ruel Tyson Academic Leadership Programs, which prepare faculty to take on institutional leadership roles, but it also supports a variety of other initiatives.
- Carolina Public HumanitiesThe Carolina Public Humanities, under its Faculty Director (Lloyd Kramer) and Executive Director (Max Owre), sponsors a range of public seminars, workshops, and lectures. These include the Adventures in Ideas seminars, which are held on campus on draw on faculty at UNC and other local institutions to explore issues and ideas in the context of a day-long seminar, and Spotlight on Scholars events, held at Flyleaf Books, which feature UNC scholars talking about their work for a non-specialist audience.
- OverviewThe Chancellor (Kevin M. Guskiewicz) is the chief officer of the University; she reports to the University’s Board of Trustees, and to the President and Board of Governors of the statewide university system. For an organizational chart of the Chancellor’s Office, see the Chancellor’s website. The Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost (Robert A. Blouin) is the chief academic officer of the University, responsible for all over-arching policies, planning, and budgets. For an organizational chart of the Provost’s Office, see the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost’s Organizational Chart. The Provost’s Office sponsors the University’s Academic Plan, Carolina Next, which determines the University’s overall institutional and educational priorities. In the current plan, the following strategic initiatives were developed: build the community together, strengthen student success, enable career development, discover, promote democracy, serve to benefit society, globalize, and optimize operations. The previous Academic Plan was adopted in 2011. Of the many units that report to the Provost’s Office, the following are particularly relevant.
- The Office of Academic PersonnelThe Office of Academic Personnel, under its Interim Assistant Provost (Linc Butler), is responsible for administration of personnel policies, guidelines, and procedures related to faculty. It has responsibility for reviewing and approving faculty appointments, reappointments, job changes, and salary actions, and provides guidance and interpretation related to faculty specific personnel policies. It also manages and supports the faculty appointment, promotion and tenure process. Its website is perhaps the best first-stop for finding any faculty-specific policy.
- The Center for Faculty Excellence (CFE)The Center for Faculty Excellence (CFE), under its Director (Erin Malloy), is the University’s campus-wide professional development center. It provides a wide range of support in the areas of teaching, research, and leadership. Although aimed primarily at faculty, it also provides a number of services that are available to or intended specifically for graduate students.
- Embark CarolinaThe Embark Carolina (formally a project from the Center for Global Initiatives), under its Director (Nicklaus Steiner), has the mission of expanding global opportunities at UNC through collaborative programs and projects and competitive awards and fellowships. It provides competitively awarded matching funds to faculty who are presenting at conferences abroad, developing courses with global content, and organizing interdisciplinary and international working groups. It also administers UNC’s Fulbright program.
- The Office of Institutional Research and AssessmentThe Office of Institutional Research and Assessment, under its Assistant Provost (Lynn Williford), provides data and other types of information about the University to support institutional decision-making as well as descriptive information for use by various constituents and the general public, including faculty, staff, and student data, resources for outcomes assessment, and information for peer comparisons. It also administers Carolina Course Evaluations Online.
- Advisory CommitteeThe Advisory Committee advises the Chancellor on a wide range of matters, particularly with respect to academic tenure, academic program planning and assessment, and the appointment of senior administrators.
- Committee on Appointments, Promotions, and Tenure (APT)The Committee on Appointments, Promotions, and Tenure (APT), which is advisory to the Provost, reviews all appointments and promotions to academic positions that involve the actual or potential conferring of tenure.
- Faculty Grievance CommitteeThe Faculty Grievance Committee hears and advises with respect to the adjustment of grievances on the part of all members of the General Faculty; its role is to hear representations by the persons directly involved in the grievances, to facilitate voluntary adjustments by the parties, and to advise adjustment by the administration when appropriate.
- Faculty Hearings CommitteeThe Faculty Hearings Committee operates in accordance with the Trustee Policies and Regulations Governing Academic Tenure. Members of the faculty who have been suspended, demoted, or discharged or who have not been reappointed at the end of a probationary period may request of review of that decision; such reviews are conducted by this standing committee.
- Office of Human ResourcesThe Office of Human Resources, under its Vice Chancellor (Becci Menghini) is the central office responsible for HR operations covering employment compliance, benefit administration, and compensation. Although the OHR deals primarily with non-faculty employees, it administers the benefits programs for all employees, including faculty.
- Equal Opportunity and Compliance (EOC) OfficeThe Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office (EOC) has primary responsibility for developing, implementing, and executing policies and activities that arise from the University’s commitment to foster equitable treatment to employees and students and its obligation to comply with employment laws, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Title IX, and other related state and federal laws and regulations. It facilitates the University’s policies prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, gender, national origin, age, religion, genetic information, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. The website provides an overview of applicable laws, policies, and procedures.
- Office of Diversity and Multicultural AffairsThe Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs has primary responsibility for providing University-wide leadership on best practices and strategies to build and sustain an inclusive campus community; it promotes the principles of equity and inclusion in recruitment, through diversity education and functions, and development programming. The Diversity Education and Research Center provides diversity education and training, including a range of workshops.
- The Graduate SchoolThe Graduate School, under its Dean (Suzanne Barbour), has oversight over the majority of the graduate and professional degree programs at the University. It controls the graduate admissions process, administers graduate fellowships and travel awards, provides tuition remission and evaluates applications for residency, and supervises the submission of theses and dissertations. It approves proposals for new graduate degree programs and changes to existing programs. It also administers the program review process. It maintains the Graduate School Handbook, which contains most of the policies and procedures affecting graduate students, and the Graduate Record, which provides authoritative information about all the degree programs offered under the aegis of the Graduate School.
- The Summer SchoolThe Summer School, under its Interim Dean (Sherry Salyer), is responsible for all course offerings during the two academic summer sessions; the Summer School is independent of the College and all other academic schools within the University. Students can apply to be a Summer Visiting Student without matriculating at UNC-CH.
- The Friday Center for Continuing EducationThe William and Ida Friday Center for Continuing Education, under its Interim Director (Jessica Brinker), has a variety of programs and services that fall into three main categories: a conference center with full services for conferences and workshops, non-credit professional development and enrichment programs, and credit programs for part-time students. The latter include Carolina Courses Online (CCO), Self-Paced (i.e. correspondence) Courses, and Part-Time Classroom Studies, which include evening courses. Students in the Department’s Post-Baccalaureate Program formally enroll through Part-Time Classroom Studies. The Department currently offers two CCO courses, CLAR 245 and CLAS 126; it currently offers one evening course (CLAR 244).
- The Office of the University RegistrarThe Office of the University Registrar, under the Registrar (Lauren DiGrazia), handles course and classroom scheduling, the registration process, and all official student records. It also ensures adherence to academic policies. On its website can be found the official university calendars with all key dates for instructional terms and the academic year, as well as a complete schedule of classes.
- Information Technology Services (ITS)Information Technology Services (ITS), under the Vice Chancellor for Information Technology and the Chief Information Officer (J. Michael Barker), handles all University-wide technology support services, including classroom and educational technologies, servers and storage, email accounts, telephones, and networks.
- UNC GlobalUNC Global, under the oversight of the Vice Provost and Chief Global Officer (Barbara Stephenson), is the umbrella organization for all offices and initiatives at the University pertaining to global and international initiatives, including Study Abroad, the Center for Global Initiatives, and the Global Research Institute. Their website includes an extensive guide to funding opportunities for initiatives with a global element.
- The Dean of Students OfficeThe Dean of Students Office, under the Dean (Desirée Rieckenberg), works to assists all students at the University, graduate and professional students as well as undergraduates, in all aspects of their lives at UNC. Their website provides a good overview of policies and resources, and their staff are available to provide advice and guidance on any non-academic matter affecting individual students.
- The Ombuds Office AdministrationThe Ombuds Office, under its Director (Dawn Osborne-Adams), provides a neutral source of assistance and guidance to all members of the University (faculty, staff, students, administrators) who are faced with workplace problems.
- The Graduate and Professional Student FederationThe Graduate and Professional Student Federation is the arm of student government that represents all graduate and professional students. It advocates for graduate and professional students to campus administrators and legislators and represents their interests on a wide range of University committees. Their website provides an extensive guide to resources for graduate students, including funding opportunities.
- The Carolina Women’s Center works to promote gender equity and the empowerment of women. It offers workshops for working with survivors of sexual assault and relationship violence (HAVEN) and information sessions for members of the University who are expecting children, and serves as an information hub for further resources.
- The UNC LGBTQ Center works to foster a welcoming and inclusive environment for members of the campus community of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions.
- The Carolina Latinx Center works to develop a greater awareness of Latina/o issues, cultures and identities by building collaborative relationships across campus and the community. It provides a supportive environment for students, faculty, staff and alumni to discuss and understand important issues that affect the Latina/o community, and a welcoming space for Latina/o students through resources and services that foster and enrich their academic, social, and cultural experience.
- The Sonja Haynes Stone Center for Black Culture and History has as its mission to encourage and support the critical examination of all dimensions of African and African-American diaspora cultures through sustained and open discussion, dialogue, and debate. It sponsors a range of academic, cultural, and social indicatives.
- The Campus Y, which has no affiliation with YMCA, has as its core mission to the pursuit of social justice through promoting pluralism. In furtherance of this mission, it sponsors a range of student-driven committees and campaigns, for which it provides training and support.
- General information about the University and its history can be found on the UNC website.
- A comprehensive list of academic schools, departments, programs, and curricula, with links to their home pages, can be found on UNC website’s department page.
- An extensive list of campus-wide policies may be found on UNC’s Policy website.
- A comprehensive list of IT policies may be found on UNC’s Information Technology Services website.