Post-Baccalaureate Certificate Program in Ancient Mediterranean Languages
The Post-Baccalaureate Program in Ancient Mediterranean Languages at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is a collaborative program between the Departments of Classics and Religious Studies. It is intended for students who have an undergraduate degree and who wish to pursue an intensive course of study in the ancient languages for their own education or to prepare themselves for a graduate program. It is designed to be as flexible as possible in order to allow students to take the courses that suit their needs and interests.
Students should consider the UNC Post-Baccalaureate Program if:
• they want to prepare themselves for graduate study in Classics, Classical Archaeology, Ancient History, Early Christianity, Early Judaism, Biblical Studies, or related fields, but have had only a limited number of courses in the ancient languages as an undergraduate student, or
• they wish to study the ancient languages for their personal intellectual growth and satisfaction.
All post-baccalaureate students are encouraged to participate in the life of the Classics and/or Religious Studies departments. They will have a mailbox and access to the department’s library in Classics. They may use the facilities of both the House Undergraduate Library and Davis Graduate Library. In addition, post-baccalaureate students are welcome to attend departmental events in Classics and/or Religious Studies. For instance, the Classics department organizes a series of weekly teas and research talks, formal lectures, and an annual department picnic. The Religious Studies department holds a regular set of colloquia, lectures, roundtable discussions on graduate student topics, as well as social gatherings.
Please note that this program is not a graduate program, and admission to the Post-Baccalaureate Program does not constitute admission to the Graduate School of The University of North Carolina. Successful completion of the Post-Baccalaureate program does not guarantee admission to the Graduate School of The University of North Carolina or to any other graduate program.
For information please contact:
James O’Hara, director
Post-Baccalaureate Program
Department of Classics
212 Murphey Hall, CB 3145
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3145
Email: jimoharaATuncDOTedu
Telephone: 919-962-7191
Applicants for Religious Studies should contact:
Joseph Lam
Post-Baccalaureate Program
Departments of Religious Studies
125 Carolina Hall, CB 3225
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3225
Email: jclamATemailDOTuncDOTedu
Telephone: 919-962-3927
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