Prof. Emily Baragwanath is co-organizer together with Luca Grillo (University of Notre Dame), Andrew Feldherr (Princeton University), and Christopher Krebs (Stanford University) of the upcoming international conference on ‘Rhetoric & Historiography: New Perspectives’, May 19-20, University of Notre Dame, Rome Gateway.
Registration, which is free but required, will close on March 31. If you experience any problems with the link below, please direct your inquiries to Mrs. Kristen Garvin-Podell.
Rhetoric & Historiography: New Perspectives Conference Registration
Friday, May 19
8.45 general introduction, Luca Grillo, University of Notre Dame
First panel, COGNITIVE HISTORIOGRAPHY, Luca Grillo, University of Notre Dame
9-9.45 Daniel Wendt, University of Bonn, (Non-)rhetoric and anecdotal historiography. roots and experientiality of a “natural” narrative
9.45-10.30 Rachel Love, Harvard University, Sallust and the sound of sarcasm
10.30-10.45 coffee break
10.45-11.30 Luuk Huitink, University of Amsterdam, Energeia and historical distance in light of the cognitive turn (with reference to Xenophon)
11.30-12.15 Carlo Scardino, University of Dusseldorf, From rhetoric to pragmatics – new paths in historiographic research
12.15-12.30 panel discussion
Lunch break 12.30-1.50
Second panel, REPRESENTATIONS OF REALITY IN AND BEYOND HISTORIOGRAPHY, Andrew Feldherr, Princeton University
2-2.45 Daniel Sutton, University of Cambridge, The detective and the poet: Ginzburg and Woodman on Thucydides and Rhetoric
2.45-3.30 Kathy Gaca, Vanderbilt University, Truth be told in Classical Greek and Roman Historiography
3.30-4.15 Zsuzsa Valheryi, Boston University, The rhetoric of/in violence: rethinking tumultuous contexts in Roman historiography
4.15-4.30 Coffee break
4.30-5.15 Luuk de Boer, Bilkent University, Painting history: rhetoric, historiography and ancient Historienbilder
5.15-6 Elena Giusti, University of Warwick, From history to poetry in Horace’s Odes 2
6-6.15 panel discussion
Saturday, May 20
Third panel, TRUTH(S) AND THE RHETORIC OF HISTORIOGRAPHY, Emily Baragwanath, UNC Chapel Hill
8.30-9.15 Jonathan Price, Tel Aviv University, Truth and knowing as a rhetorical problem in historiography
9.15-10 Alexander Meeus, University of Mannheim, Ancient rhetorical historiography in context: the contribution of the sociology of knowledge
10-10.45 Aaron Turner, Royal Holloway, London, Rhêtorikê as the Possibility of History
10.45-11 coffee break
11-11.45 Jaap Wisse, Newcastle University, The history and role of rhetoric in historiography
11.45-12.30 Lisa Hau, University of Glasgow, Rhetoric and “tragic history” in post-Thucydidean Greek historiography
12.30-12.45 panel discussion
12.30-1.50 lunch break
Fourth panel, NARRATIVE, MEMORY AND EXPERIENCE, Christopher Krebs, Stanford University
2-2.45 Nicolas Liney, University of Warwick, Feeling the past: classical historiography, experience and the sublime
2.45-3.30 Andrew Gallia, University of Minnesota, Beyond rhetoric: historiography and cultural memory
3.30-4.15 Chris Baron, University of Notre Dame, Polybius, narrative and the rhetoric of historiography
4.15-4.30 Coffee break
4.30-5.15 Jackie Elliott, University of Colorado Boulder, Woodman’s Rhetoric and ancient reception: the case of Cato’s Origines
5.15-6 George Baroud, Emerson College, Classical Rhetoric and historiography in the age of virtual reality
6-6.15 panel discussion
6.15-6.25 break
6.25-6.55 conference final discussion and wrap up