Out and About
Presentations at Annual Meetings
American Comparative Literature Association (July 2017, Utrecht, Netherlands)
Emily Baragwanath, “Emotions, Perceptions, Visual Images: Tragic Strategies in Xenophon’s Hellenica,” as part of a panel on “History, Fiction, and Historical Fiction”
Archaeological Institute of America/Society of Classical Studies (January 2018, Boston, MA)
Jennifer Gates-Foster, “Abandonment and Assemblage: The Ptolemaic Fort at Bir Samut, Egypt”
Donald Haggis, with M.S. Mook, M.C. Scarry, R.D. Fitzsimons, and W.F. Dibble, “Excavations at Azoria, East Crete, 2016-2017”
Hérica Valladares, “Of Soleae and Self-Fashioning: Roman Women’s Shoes from Vindolanda to Sidi Ghrib”
Graduate Students
India Watkins, “Dramatic Manipulations of Vergil’s Georgics in Seneca’s Phaedra”
Classical Association of the Middle West and South (April 2018, Albuquerque, NM)
Sharon James, “Girls and Trauma in New Comedy,” as part of the Presidential Panel
Graduate Students
John Beeby, “Being Etruscan in Latin: Epitaphs from the Rafi Family Tomb at Perugia”
Emma Buckingham, “Painted Memorials: White-Ground Lekythoi and the Classical Athenian Funerary Landscape.”
Andrew Ficklin, “‘Mr. Persuasion’ and Cycles of Decline in Thucydides’ Corcyraean Stasis”
Brian McPhee, “Weird Pathos: Stesichorus’ Geryoneis and the Sympathetic Monsters of Apollonius’ Argonautica”
Keith Penich, “Virginity and Motherhood in Callimachus’ 3rd and 4th Hymns”
Hannah Sorscher, “Structural Lynx: The Function of the Lyncus and Triptolemus Episode in Ovid’s Metamorphoses”
Emma Warhover, “The Recurring Grotesque in Ovid’s Amores: A Bakhtinian Analysis”
Lectures at Conferences and Academic Institutions
Emily Baragwanath
“Herodotus’ Narrative Art.” Münchner Herodot-Sommer 2017, Munich, September 2017.
Janet Downie
“Truth, Credibility and Coherence in Aelius Aristides’ Prose Hymns.” International conference, “‘Test Everything’: Skeptic and Believer in Ancient Mediterranean Religions,” Regensburg University, October 2017
Jennifer Gates-Foster
“Abandonment and Assemblage: the Ptolemaic Fort at Bir Samut, Egypt.” Conference on “Households of Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt in Context,” Cornell University, April 2018
“Egypt’s Desert Frontier: The Ptolemaic Fortresses at B’ir Samut and B’ir Abbad,” Archaeological Institute of America lecture, University of Colorado, April 2018.
Donald Haggis
“The Archaic Cretan City: Results of Recent Excavations at Azoria.” Center for the Ancient Mediterranean, Columbia University, November 2017
“Recent excavations at an Archaic urban center at Azoria, East Crete.” Classical Archaeology Seminar: New Discoveries and Approaches in the Archaeology of Early Greece, School of Archaeology, University of Oxford, March 2018
Sharon James
“Reading Women’s Experiences in New Comedy.” John and Mary McDiarmid Lecture, University of Washington, March 2018
Jim O’Hara
“Triumphati magis quam victi? Possible Responses to Lying and Exaggeration in Aeneid 8.” Indiana University, October 2017
James Rives
“Animal Sacrifice and the Roman Persecutions of Christians (2nd-3rd Centuries CE).” International conference on “Religious Violence in Antiquity: A Religious Studies Approach across the longue durée,” Université de Montréal / University of Ottawa, September 2017
“Animal Sacrifice and Euergetism in the Hellenistic and Roman Polis.” Brown University, September 2017
Hérica Valladares
“The Architecture of Love in Propertius’ Elegies.” University of California, Davis, April 2018
Bob Babcock
Bob Babcock, “Handschriften und Papyri. Wege des Wissens.” Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna, 1 May 2017—14 January 2018, collaborator for exhibition and exhibition catalogue