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Student NameTitleYear DefendedCommittee
Balot, Ryan K.Epicurean Friendship: Theory and Practice1990
Avery, JonathanXerxes’ Decision to Invade Greece: An Examination of Herodotos’ Histories, Book7, Chapters 1-181990
Student NameTitleYear DefendedCommittee
Wilson, Van J.Breeding and amor, Pasturage and morbus: Vergil's use of Varro's Rerum rusticarum libri tres in his third Georgic1992
Student NameTitleYear DefendedCommittee
de Grummond, Elizabeth ChamblessRomanization and Urbanization of Lugdunum: The Colonia Copia Claudia Augusta Lugdunum Through the Julio-Claudian Period1993
Walker, Tawana A.Strong Women of the Silver Age: Assets or Liabilities?1993
Burns, Bryan E.The Martial Use of the Early Mycenaean Chariot and Its Associated Weaponry1993
Student NameTitleYear DefendedCommittee
Berner, August J.Vesical calculus: Aulus Cornelius Celsus's Operation for Bladder Stone1995
Student NameTitleYear DefendedCommittee
Black, SarahJohn Dryden's Translations of Horace's Odes 1.9 and 3.291996
Student NameTitleYear DefendedCommittee
Yavenditti, James A.Monumenta Hadriana: An Examination of the Hadrianic Building Projects in Athens1997
Benefiel, Rebecca Ruth J.Municipium Saepinatium: A Study in Small Town Life of the Roman Empire1997
Greenspan, GeriApsidal Buildings in Early Iron Age Greece1997
Gelb, Susan DanaArchaic Doric Temples in South Italy1997
Spradley, KellyGuarding the Frontier: The Original Garrisons of Hadrian's Wall Forts1997
Student NameTitleYear DefendedCommittee
Leftt, JeremyInterconnections: the Epithet in the Iliad and the Physical Tag in War and Peace1998