Graduate Research 1980
Student Name | Title (M.A. or dissertation) | Year Defended | Committee |
Carawan, Edwin McDonald | Erotesis: Interrogation in Greek Judicial Debate and Rhetorical Theory (diss.) | 1980 | Kennedy, Stadter, West |
Gigante, Linda Maria | A Study of Perspectives from the Representations of Architectural Forms in Greek Classical and Hellenistic Painting (diss.) | 1980 | Koeppel, Sams, Neils |
Murnaghan, Sheila H. | Anagnorisis in the Odyssey (diss.) | 1980 | Kennedy, Reckford, Smith |
Solomon, Jon D. | Cleonides, Eisagoge armonike: Critical Edition, Translation and Commentary (diss.) | 1980 | Stadter, Bowers, Brown |
Ewbank, Joseph Boothroyd | Fable and Proverb in Aristophanes (diss.) | 1980 | Reckford, Zug, Brown |
Anderson, James Clayton | Historical Topography of the Imperial Fora at Rome (diss.) | 1980 | Richardson, L., Koeppel, Houston |
Walker, Cheryl L. | Hostages in Republican Rome (diss.) | 1980 | Houston, West, Boren |
Barnard, Mark A. | Stasis in Thucydides' Narrative and Analysis of Factionalism in the polis (diss.) | 1980 | Stadter, West, Reckford |
Walker, Stella Lee | The senex amator in Plautus: A Study in Development (diss.) | 1980 | Dessen, Reckford, Stadter |
Rappaport, Susan Page | Euripides' Iphigenia in Aulis: From Innocence to Nobility (MA) | 1980 | Reckford, Smith, Barnard |
Flood, Elizabeth Susan | The Arch of Titus Sculptural Workshop (MA) | 1980 | Koeppel, Sams, Gates, Ch. |
Thomas, Hannah Cecily | The Language of Limitation in Lucretius (MA) | 1980 | Michels, Reckford, Mack |
Student Name | Title (M.A. or dissertation) | Year Defended | Committee |
Haskell, Halford W. | The Coarse Ware Stirrup Jars of Crete and the Cyclades (diss.) | 1981 | Immerwahr, S.A., Sams, Gates, Ch. |
Constantinople, George Robert | The Development of Trajan's Political Program in the Coin Reverses of the Roman Mint (diss.) | 1981 | Koeppel, Houston, Boren |
Sutton, Robert F. | The Interaction Between Men and Women Portrayed on Attic Red-figure Pottery (diss.) | 1981 | Immerwahr, S.A., Sams, Sturgeon |
Goldberg, Larry A. | A Commentary on Plato's Protagoras (MA) | 1981 | Smith, Reckford, Bolter |
Aicher, Peter J. | Attitudes Towards Nature and the Odyssey (MA) | 1981 | Smith, Mack, Kennedy |
Jones, Janet Duncan | Bronze Age Glass in the Aegean (MA) | 1981 | Gates, Ch., Gates, M.-H., Sams |
Kirby, John Thomas | Narrative Structure and Technique in Thucydides VI-VII (MA) | 1981 | Stadter, Smith, Reckford |
Lynch, Anthony | Pauline Rhetoric: 1 Corinthians 1:10-4:21 (MA) | 1981 | Kennedy, Wooten |
Weir, Penelope Roth | Perirrhanteria and Their Oriental Connections in Early Greek Art (MA) | 1981 | Sams, Sturgeon, Gates, M.-H. |
Oaks, Laura S. | Some Aspects of Caesarian Composition: A Computer-Assisted Survey of Style (MA) | 1981 | Linderski, Houston, West |
Johnson, William A. | The Significance of External and Internal Echoes in Terence's Adelphoe (MA) | 1981 | Reckford, Stadter, West |
Carson, Donald Scott | Toward an Accurate Legal Chronology for the Year 67 BC (MA) | 1981 | Kennedy, Galligan, Bolter |
Student Name | Title (M.A. or dissertation) | Year Defended | Committee |
Pendergraft, Mary L. B. | Aratus as a Poetic Craftsman (diss.) | 1982 | Brown, Smith, Reckford |
Ewbank, Linda Cocklin | Plutarch's Use of Non-literary Sources in the Lives of Sixth and Fifth-century Greeks (diss.) | 1982 | Stadter, West, Reckford |
Hahn, Frances Vincent Hickson | Augusti reditus (MA) | 1982 | Linderski, Koeppel, Wooten |
Peterson, Karen Lee | Athena: Her Hellenic Nature and Possible Origins (MA) | 1982 | Brown, Koeppel, Michels |
Rauk, John Neil | Cicero on the Site of Rome, De re publica 2. 3-11 (MA) | 1982 | Linderski, West, Wooten |
Ziegler, Norma E. | Dreams in Plautine Comedy (MA) | 1982 | Reckford, West, Brown |
Campbell, Constance L. | Historical and Figural Precedents to the Deification of Alexander the Great (MA) | 1982 | Sturgeon, Stadter, Sams |
Romani, David John | Text and Staging in Aeschylus' Eumenides (MA) | 1982 | Brown, Smith, Reckford |
Garrett, George Gorham | The Divine Background: The Characters' View of the Gods in the Iliad (MA) | 1982 | Stadter, Reckford, Snipes |
Student Name | Title (M.A. or dissertation) | Year Defended | Committee |
Farrell, Joseph Anthony | Thematic Allusion to Lucretius in Vergil's Georgics (diss.) | 1983 | Michels, Reckford, Brown |
Perlman, Martha E. Woodward | The Principal Figural Reliefs of the Cretan Relief pithoi of the Seventh Century BC (MA) | 1983 | Sams |
Schley, William Cook | The Structural Function of Roman References in Ovid's Metamorphoses (MA) | 1983 | Mack, Reckford, Houston |
Frane, Julia E. | A Reconsideration of Aeolic Architectural Forms (MA) | 1983 | Sams, Gates, M.-H., Koeppel |
Student Name | Title (M.A. or dissertation) | Year Defended | Committee |
Begley, Ronald Bruce | The carmen ad quendam senatorem: Date, Milieu, and Tradition (diss.) | 1984 | Kennedy, Ganz, Snipes |
Rhodes, Robin Francis | The Beginnings of Monumental Architecture in the Corinthia (diss.) | 1984 | Sams, Koeppel, Sturgeon |
Jacobs, Lisa Diane | Achilles' Foreknowledge in the Iliad (MA) | 1984 | Smith, Brown, Bolter |
Reilly, Thomas Joseph | Arcesilaus: Skeptic or Platonist (MA) | 1984 | Kennedy, Brown, Linderski |
Thigpen, Jane MacRae Bailey | Dracontius' Adaptions of the Rhetorical epithalamium (MA) | 1984 | Ganz, Mack, Wooten |
Barclay, Nina Sturges | Literary and Historical Contexts of Chariot and Racing Motifs in Augustan Poetry (MA) | 1984 | Houston, Brown, Linderski |
Wharton, David B. | Religion and the Supernatural in Thucydides (MA) | 1984 | Stadter, Smith, West |
Platter, Charles Leon | Slaves in Aristophanes (MA) | 1984 | Smith, West, Stadter |
Possanza, D. Mark | The correction, restoration and emendation of Aeschylus' Choephoroi (MA) | 1984 | Brown, Snipes, Kennedy |
Student Name | Title (M.A. or dissertation) | Year Defended | Committee |
Konrad, Christopher Frederick | A Historical Commentary on Plutarch's Life of Sertorius (diss.) | 1985 | Linderski, Snipes, Boren |
Kirby, John Thomas | The Rhetoric of Cicero's Pro Cluentio (diss.) | 1985 | Wooten, Linderski, Reckford |
Nilsson, Bradford Alan | Roman Survey Maps (MA) | 1985 | Houston, Koeppel, Sams |
Becker, Gertrude Rose Harrington | Sepulchral Finds Along the Via Lata (MA) | 1985 | |
Öztürk, Canan | The Distribution of Hellenistic Settlements in Southeastern Anatolia (MA) | 1985 | Sams, Koeppel, Linderski |
Werner, Shirley | The Knot of Tension: Horace's Second Roman Ode in Context (MA) | 1985 | Mack, Reckford, Houston |
Lape, Laura G. | The Portrayal of Darius in Herodotus' Histories (MA) | 1985 | Smith, West, Reckford, Stephens |
Mazurek, Elizabeth Peyton | Voice and Voicelessness in Ovid's Metamorphoses, Tristia and Epistulae ex Ponto (MA) | 1985 | Mack, Reckford, Houston |
Student Name | Title (M.A. or dissertation) | Year Defended | Committee |
Hahn, Frances Vincent Hickson | Voces precationum: The Language of Prayer in the History of Livy and the Aeneid of Virgil (diss.) | 1986 | Linderski, Houston, Mack |
Parker, Alison R. | Comic Theory in the Satires of Horace (diss.) | 1986 | Reckford, Houston, Kennedy |
Woodard, Roger Dillard | Generalization of the heaut- non-third Person Reflexive Pronoun in Greek: Xenophon to the New Testament (diss.) | 1986 | |
Aicher, Peter J. | Homer and Roman Republican Poetry (diss.) | 1986 | Kennedy, Mack, Stephens |
Carnes, Jeffrey S. | Pindar's use of Aiginetan Autochthony Myths (diss.) | 1986 | |
Papillon, Terry Logan | Rhetorical Studies in the Aristocratea of Demosthenes (diss.) | 1986 | Kennedy, Wooten, West |
Moore, Timothy Joseph | Roman Virtues in Livy (diss.) | 1986 | Linderski, Houston, Stadter |
Carson, Donald Scott | Systematic Focal Equivocity in the Aristotelian Corpus (diss.) | 1986 | Kennedy, Galligan, Bolter |
Royden, Halsey Lawrence | The Magistrates of the Roman Professional collegia in Italy from the First to the Third Century AD (diss.) | 1986 | Linderski, Houston, Boren |
Hileman, Barbara Anne | Pharmaka and the Power of Persuasion (MA) | 1986 | Reckford, Brown, Bolter |
Merrill, Patricia Louise Foley | Bird-similes in Vergil's Aeneid (MA) | 1986 | |
Savir, Etan | Herodotos the Story-teller (MA) | 1986 | Stadter, Smith, West |
Zimmerman, Chico (Clayton) | Tacitus' Presentation of the Germans in the Germania and the Annals (MA) | 1986 | Houston, Linderski, West |
Chaffee, Mark Andrew | The Image of Julius Caesar Under the Julio-Claudian Emperors (MA) | 1986 | Koeppel, Sams, Houston |
Student Name | Title (M.A. or dissertation) | Year Defended | Committee |
Hanson, Maury L. | Eye Terms in Greek Tragedy (diss.) | 1987 | Immerwahr, Brown, Kennedy |
Looney, Dennis | Ovidian influence on the narrative of the Orlando Furioso (diss.) | 1987 | |
Possanza, D. Mark | Studies in the Aratea of Germanicus Caesar (diss.) | 1987 | Brown, Linderski, Mack, Bolter, Stadter |
Wall, Lawrence Edward | Horace's Goals for Satire: An Examination of Instruction and Entertainment in Satire ii.5 (MA) | 1987 | Reckford, Houston, Stephens |
Musgrove, Margaret Worsham | The Influence of Lucretius on Horace, Satires 1.1-1.3 (MA) | 1987 | Mack, Reckford, Houston, Wooten, Bolter |
Lafferty, Maura K. | Trust and Betrayal: Amicitia in Tacitus' Annals (MA) | 1987 | Houston, Linderski, Stadter |
Clark, Amy C. | The Cure of a Sickness: Lemnian Betrayal and Oetean Friendship in Sophocles' Philoctetes (MA) | 1987 | Stadter, Reckford, Bolter |
Student Name | Title (M.A. or dissertation) | Year Defended | Committee |
Begley, Carol Lindsey | Voluntas in Cicero (diss.) | 1988 | Reckford, Linderski, Kennedy |
Hall, Elizabeth Zakarison | Anglo-Latin Panegyrical Poetry From the Norman Conquest to teh Later Middle Ages (diss.) | 1988 | Kennedy, Behrends, Kennedy, E. |
Becker, Andrew Sprague | How to read an ecphrasis: The Poetics of the Homeric Shield of Achilles (diss.) | 1988 | Kennedy, Brown, Bolter |
Mazurek, Elizabeth Peyton Forbis | The Language of Praise in Roman Honorary Inscriptions for Italian Municipals, AD 1-300 (diss.) | 1988 | Houston, Linderski, Wooten |
Jones, Janet Duncan | The so-called Vicomagistri Relief in the Vatican Museum (diss.) | 1988 | Keoppel, Linderski, Sams |
Liebhart, Richard Folmar | Timber Rooting Spans in Greek and Near Eastern Monumental Architecture During the Early Iron Age (diss.) | 1988 | Sams, Gates, M.-H., Koeppel |
Frauenfelder, David William | Fides Italica: Livy's View of Italian Allies in the Third Decade of the Ab urbe condita (MA) | 1988 | Linderski, Houston, Mack |
Walker, Andrew David | Oratio censoria in Republican Rome (MA) | 1988 | Linderski, Kennedy, Houston |
Driscoll, David J. | Hyperbation in Demosthenes' Olynthiac Orations: A Study in the Rhetorical Effects, Character, and Practice of Word and Clause Dislocation in Greek Oratory (MA) | 1988 | Wooten, Kennedy, West |
Student Name | Title (M.A. or dissertation) | Year Defended | Committee |
Hogan, John T. | The Decline of logos in Thucydides' Athenian Speeches (diss.) | 1989 | Kennedy, Stadter, Smith |
Zimmerman, Chico (Clayton) | The Pastoral Narcissus: Daphnis in the First Idyll of Theocritus (diss.) | 1989 | Brown, Kennedy, Smith, Reckford, Bolter |
Platter, Charles Leon | Veil and Sign: Bacchylides and the Limits of Praise (diss.) | 1989 | Brown, Smith, Stephens |
Greene, Vaughn Digby | Allusions to Euripides' Bacchae in the "Iliadic" Aeneid (MA) | 1989 | Reckford, Mack, Stephens |
Kellogg, Stephen Robert | Showing and Telling: The Narrative Function of Speeches in Book Three of Polybius (MA) | 1989 | Stadter, Wooten, West |
Gerdes, Mary Womble Barringer | Satiric Elements in Elegy: Horace's Sermones and Ovid's Amores (MA) | 1989 |